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Yuri Skudnyakov Alexandrovich

Yuri Skudnyakov Alexandrovich

, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Contact Information

Area of professional interests/research:

  • organization of the modern educational process;
  • research and design of discrete automatic control systems;
  • computer systems and networks;
  • models and algorithms of topological synthesis of radio and electronic computing tools;
  • methods and algorithms for recognizing and monitoring mobile objects.

Publications in the repository of BSUIR

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Publications. During his scientific and pedagogical activity, Yu. A. Skudnyakov published 404 scientific works (one of them is a monograph in co-authorship) in four countries (Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania), five research journals (four in Belarus, one in Russia), and in total he has 430 printed works, including: 21 educational and methodological nature and 5 inventions.

Scientific publications in 2019:

Scientific article in the journal: "Science and Technology", included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus:

1. Hurski, N. N. Management of mechatronic system based on a multi-link robot manipulators / N. N. Hurski, Yu. A. Skudnyakov , V. S. Artusik, A. N. Bezruchko // Science and technology, Volume 18, No. 4, Minsk, 2019 / EE "Belarusian national technical University of Ukraine" on July 31, 2019. – P. 350-354.

Scientific publications in proceedings of international and national conferences:

2. Savenko, A. G. Rotary-hybrid model of the modern educational process and its software and algorithmic implementation / A. G. Savenko, Yu. A. Skudnyakov / / Information systems and technologies-2019: collection of materials of the XXV International Scientific and Technical Conference, Nizhny Novgorod, April 19, 2019 / NSTU named after R. E. Alekseev. - Nizhny Novgorod, 2019. - p. 451-458.

3. Kobrin, R. S. Analysis of the performance of information systems / R. S. Kobrin, N. N. Hurski, Yu. A. Skudnyakov / / Information technologies and systems: problems, methods, solutions: materials of the Republican Scientific and Technical Conference, Minsk, 2019 / BNTU. - Four quarters, 2019. - pp. 19-25.

4. Linevich, D. O. Automation of the process of measuring electrical parameters of microelectronics products / D. O. Linevich, Yu. A. Skudnyakov, N. N. Hurski / / Information technologies and systems: problems, methods, solutions: materials of the Republican Scientific and Technical Conference, Minsk, 2019 / BNTU. - Four quarters, 2019. - pp. 56-59.

5. Kamyshev, Yu. S. Software-defined SDS data storage systems / Yu. S. Kamyshev, Yu. A. Skudnyakov, N. N. Hurski / / Information technologies and systems: problems, methods, solutions: materials of the Republican Scientific and Technical Conference, Minsk, 2019 / BNTU. - Four quarters, 2019. - pp. 156-159.

6. Magadya, D. I. Models and software and algorithmic support for the organization of the data loading process in the information environment / D. I. Magadya, Yu. A. Skudnyakov / / Information technologies and systems: problems, methods, solutions: materials of the Republican Scientific and Technical Conference, Minsk, 2019 / BNTU. - Four quarters, 2019. - pp. 174-179.

7. Aksenchik, E. N. Recommendation systems as a means of selecting material for distance learning / E. N. Aksenchik, N. N. Hurski, Yu. A. Skudnyakov / / Information technologies and systems: problems, methods, solutions: materials of the Republican Scientific and Technical Conference, Minsk, 2019 / BNTU. - Four quarters, 2019. - pp. 214-217.

8. Krotov, D. A. Methods of processing large data arrays in an information and computing environment / D. A. Krotov, Yu. A. Skudnyakov / / Information systems and technologies IST-2019: materials of the XXV-th International Scientific and Technical Conference, Nizhny Novgorod, 2019 / Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after R. E. Alekseev. - Nizhny Novgorod, 2019. - pp. 440-445.

9. Pavlyuchik, Yu. S. Software and hardware for evaluating the efficiency of using thermal resources / Yu. S. Pavlyuchik, Yu. A. Skudnyakov / / Information systems and technologies IST-2019: materials of the XXV-th International Scientific and Technical Conference, Nizhny Novgorod, 2019 / Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after R. E. Alekseev. - Nizhny Novgorod, 2019. - pp. 446-450.

10. Skudnyakov, Yu. A. Hybrid model of the organization of the modern educational process / Yu. A. Skudnyakov, N. N. Hurski //Information technologies and systems: problems, methods, solutions: materials of the Republican Scientific and Technical Conference, Minsk, 2018 / BNTU. - Four Quarters, 2018. - pp. 269-270.

11. Skudnyakov, Yu. A. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the e-learning system / Yu. A. Skudnyakov, A.V. Hardzeyuk, N. I. Vasilevskaya / / Actual issues of professional education: abstracts of the II International scientific and practical Conference, Minsk, 2019 / UO "Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics", 2019-Minsk, 2019-pp. 243-244.

12. Skudnyakov, Yu. A. Recommendation systems as an effective means of organizing the learning process / Yu. A. Skudnyakov, A.V. Hardzeyuk, N. I. Vasilevskaya / / Actual issues of professional education: abstracts of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference, Minsk, 2019 / Educational institution "Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics", 2019-Minsk, 2019-pp. 245-246.

Scientific and educational publications in 2020:

Scientific publications in the collections of international and national conferences:

1. Krotov, D. A. Application of GPGPU technology in the intelligent analysis of large data arrays / D. A. Krotov, Yu. A. Skudnyakov / / XXVI International Scientific and Technical Conference "Information Systems and Technologies-2020, IST-2020" / Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after R. E. Alekseev-Nizhny Novgorod, April 24, 27, 28, 2020. - pp. 356-361.

2. Skudnyakov, Yu. A. Computer modeling of psychological management of personnel processes in state authorities / Yu. A. Skudnyakov, B. V. Nikulshin, Yu. I. Ustyanovskaya / / XX sci. - tech. Conference of students, postgraduates and young specialists "New information technologies in telecommunications and postal communications", Minsk, May 12-13, 2020. - Minsk: BSAC, 2020. - p. 83.

3. Skudnyakov, Yu. A. Organization of personnel support in state authorities / Yu. A. Skudnyakov, Yu. I. Ustyanovskaya / / XX scientific-technical. Conference of students, postgraduates and young specialists "New information technologies in telecommunications and postal communications", Minsk, May 12-13, 2020. - Minsk: BSAC, 2020. - pp. 83-84.

4. Sevostjanyuk, M. A. Model of the text information identification system in the universal information environment / M. A. Sevostjanyuk, Yu. A. Skudnyakov / / XIX International Conference "Development of informatization and the state system of scientific and technical information-RINTI-2020", Minsk, November 19, 2020. - Minsk: IPI of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 2020. - pp. 274-277.

5. Kish, O. I. The choice of parameters for the stability of the process of smoothing discrete data / O. I. Kish, Yu. A. Skudnyakov / / Materials of the XXV International Scientific and Technical Conference "Modern means of communication", Minsk, October 22-23, 2020. - Minsk: BSAC, 2020. - pp. 33-34.

6. Skudnyakov, Yu. A. Research of stability of automatic telecommunication systems based on the principle of sequential transformations of free parameter planes / Yu.A. Skudnyakov, O. I. Kish // Materials of the XXV International Scientific and Technical Conference "Modern means of communication", Minsk, October 22-23, 2020. - Minsk: BSAC, 2020. - pp. 50-51.

7. Skudnyakov, Yu. A. Using the principle of sequential multiple transformations of free parameter planes / Yu. A. Skudnyakov, O. I. Kish / / Materials of the XXV International Scientific and Technical Conference "Modern means of communication", Minsk, October 22-23, 2020. - Minsk: BSAC, 2020. - pp. 136-137.

8. Tymanovich, N. A. Programming in the rust language in embedded systems / N. A. Tymanovich, Yu. A. Skudnyakov / / Materials of the XXV International Scientific and Technical Conference "Modern means of communication", Minsk, October 22-23, 2020. - Minsk: BSAC, 2020. - p. 174.

9. Barsuk, A. S. Mathematical and software-algorithmic support of an expert system for the diagnosis of human cardiovascular diseases / A. S. Barsuk, Yu. A. Skudnyakov / / Proceedings of the XXVI Republican Contest of scientific works of students for 2019, Minsk, October 1, 2020. - Minsk: BSU, 2020. - pp. 67-68.

10. Skudnyakov, Yu. A. Organizational model of the functioning of the modern distance learning process / Yu. A. Skudnyakov, A.V. Hardzeyuk / / III International Scientific and Practical Conference "Topical issues of professional education" dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the college, Minsk: MRK BSUIR, October 1, 2020. - pp. 279-280.

11. Skudnyakov, Yu. A. Algorithmic support of the modern process of distance learning / Yu. A. Skudnyakov, A.V. Hardzeyuk / / III International Scientific and Practical Conference "Topical issues of professional education" dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the college, Minsk: MRK BSUIR, October 1, 2020. - pp. 281-282.

12. Skudnyakov, Yu. A. Assessment of the dependence of the effectiveness of the application of learning results on the volume and quality of the knowledge acquired by the trainees / Yu. A. Skudnyakov, O. I. Kish, B. V. Nikulshin / / Materials of the X International Scientific and Methodological Conference "Higher technical education: problems and ways of development", Minsk: BSUIR, November 26, 2020. - pp. 248-250.

13. Skudnyakov, Yu. A. Model of formation of psychological relations for improving the effectiveness of the learning process / Yu. A. Skudnyakov, O. I. Kish, I. I. Shpak / / Materials of the X International Scientific and Methodological Conference "Higher technical education: problems and ways of development", Minsk: BSUIR, November 26, 2020. - pp. 251-254.

14. Skudnyakov, Yu. a. One approach of constructing a system of adaptive e-learning / Y. A. Skudnyakov, O. I. Kish, I.I. Shpak // proceedings of the X International scientific and methodological conference "Higher education: problems and ways of development", Minsk: BSUIR, 26 Nov 2020. – P. 255-257.

Teaching manual to perform the tests discipline: "Computing machines and systems":

15. Skudnyakov, Yu. A. Computing machines and systems: textbook.- method. manual / Yu. A. Skudnyakov, I. I. Shpak. - Minsk: BSUIR, 14.10.2020. - 79 p.: il.

Scientific publications in 2021:

Scientific article in the journal: "Informatics", included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus:

1. Savenko, A. G. One of the approaches to the organization of the modern educational process / A. G. Savenko, Yu. A. Skudnyakov / / Informatics, Volume 18, No. 1, Minsk, 2021 / Joint Institute of  Problems of  Informatics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, March 26, 2021. - pp. 96-104. https://doi.org/10.37661/ 1816-0301-2021-18-1-96-104.

Scientific publications in the collections of international conferences:

1. Skudnyakov, Yu. A. Organization of adaptive learning system based on the use of modular technology / Yu.A. Skudnyakov, I.I. Shpak, B. V. Nikulshin // materials of the International scientific-practical conference "the Quality of educational process: problems and ways of development", Minsk: BSUIR, April 30, 2021. – P. 133.

2. Skudnyakov, Yu. A. Intelligent e-learning in the modern educational process / Yu.A. Skudnyakov, A. G. Savenko // Materials of the International scientific-practical conference "the Quality of educational process: problems and ways of development", Minsk: BSUIR, April 30, 2021. – S. 134.

3. Skudnyakov, Yu. A. Professional organization of modern educational process on the basis of cognitive technologies / Yu.A. Skudnyakov, A. V. Hardzeyuk, B. V. Nikulshin // Materials of International scientific-practical conference "Topical issues of professional education" , Minsk: BSUIR, 20 – may 21, 2021. – P. 172-173.

4. Skudnyakov, Yu. A. Evaluation of the effectiveness of adaptive systems Pro - professional education / Yu.A. Skudnyakov, B. V. Nikulshin, A. V. Hardzeyuk // Materials of International scientific-practical conference "Topical issues of professional education" , Minsk: BSUIR, 20 – may 21, 2021. – P. 170-171.


higher, graduated from the Minsk Radio Engineering Institute with a degree in Radio Engineering in 1968.

  • In 1987 – scientific internship at the Institute of Electronics of the Gdansk Polytechnic (Poland).
  • From April 9, 2012 to April 20, 2012, he took advanced training courses at the state educational institution "Republican Institute of Higher Education" under the program " Active methods of teaching and upbringing in higher education institutions "(certificate of advanced training No. 1380780), as well as from February 5, 2014 to December 5, 2015. he studied at the faculty of advanced training and retraining of personnel of the educational institution "Republican Institute of Vocational Education" in the specialty 1-080171 "Pedagogical activity of specialists", after which he was awarded the qualification of a teacher in accordance with the qualification in basic education (diploma No. 0146157 of 05.12.2015). From 20.03.2017 to 31.03.2017, he took advanced training courses at the state educational institution "Republican Institute of Higher Education" under the program "E-learning Technologies". According to the results of the courses, certificate No. 2799237 of 31.03.2017, registration No. 1034 was issued.

Work activity:

Since 1968-service in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the USSR, from 1971 to 1977-senior engineer of the Institute of Technical Cybernetics of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR, from 1977 to 1979-senior engineer of the research unit of the Minsk Radio Engineering Institute (MRTI), from 1979 to 1980 – senior researcher of the MRTI. In 1979, he defended his dissertation: "Models for automated research of the absolute stability of discrete systems", specialty 05.13.01 "Technical Cybernetics and information Theory" for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences. From 1980 to 1998, he was an associate professor at MRTI, and from 1998 to 2014, he was the head of the Department of Informatics at the Minsk State Higher Radio Engineering College (MGVRK). From September 1, 2014 to the present-Associate Professor of the Institute of Information Technologies (IIT) of BSUIR.

He has 40 years of experience in scientific and pedagogical work. Skudnyakov Yu. A. actively participated in research developments. In 2007-2008 and in 2011-2012. Skudnyakov Yu. A. was the scientific director of the state budget research and innovation project of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, respectively: - "Theoretically substantiate, clarify and develop conceptual foundations for the creation of educational and methodological support for variable training in computer science" (order of the State Committee for Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Labor of the Republic of Belarus dated 02.07.1997, No. 61/74/14), as a result of which a universal functional and logical structure of an electronic learning tool was created; - "Complex informatization of management activities at the level of general secondary education", the result of which was the creation and application of an automated training system in secondary educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus. He was the responsible executor of the scientific work: "To develop information and educational and methodological support for the training of specialists with higher education in the abbreviated form of training" (2010. – 2015) and scientific work: "Models, algorithms and scientific and methodological support for training specialists for higher education integrated with secondary special education" (2016-2020) at the departments: "Information Systems and Technologies "(ISiT) and" Industrial Electronics ".

Skudnyakov Yu. A. conducts scientific supervision of undergraduates of the educational institution "Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics" in the field of informatics and software of information technologies; under the scientific supervision of Skudnyakov Yu.A. 25 master's theses were successfully defended. Currently, he is the scientific supervisor of three undergraduates and one postgraduate student of BSUIR. Constantly prepares student research projects for their participation in the republican competitions of scientific works of students, who annually receive the 1st, 2nd and 3rd categories.


Achievements, rewards, incentives:

  • 1 Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus;
  • 1 Certificate of Honor of the Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus;
  • 1 Certificate of Honor of the MRTI;
  • 4 Certificates of Honor of the BSUIR;
  • 3 Certificates of Honor MGVRK;
  • 2 Certificates of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus;
  • 1 Diploma of the Administration of the Sovetsky district of Minsk;
  • 1 Diploma of the MRTI;
  • 2 Diplomas of the BSUIR;
  • 3 Diplomas of the MGVRK (a total of 10 Honorary diplomas and 9 Diplomas).

Readable academic disciplines:

In the 2021/2022 academic year, he conducts classes in the following disciplines:

  • Computer systems and networks (CSiN);
  • Software design;

Timetable of classes