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Educational courses in English

Contact phone numbers: т. +375 17 397 82 15, +375 17 243 28 33

За дополнительной информацией обращаться:

Ведущий специалист Ордынская Марина Юрьевна, ауд. 607-7., тел. +375 17 397-82-95, +375 29 639-65-63,

e-mail: ordinskaya@bsuir.by

Заместитель декана Гарбуз Виталий Борисович, ауд. 402-8., тел. +375 29 686-61-14, e-mail: garbuz@bsuir.by

По направлению «Автоматизация производственных процессов на оборудовании SIEMENS AG» обращаться к Лыч Анне Игоревне, +375(44)5776288.

Запись осуществляется через электронную форму. Обучение начинаются по мере формирования групп, и проводятся на платной основе. Время проведения для слушателей по направлению организаций с 9.00 до 16.00, кроме субботы и воскресенья, для физических лиц - по согласованию.

Duration of study is from 24 to 36 hours.

Lecturer – Мухаметов В.Н.: аssociate рrofessor, department of microprocessor systems and networks, Institute of information technologies, Belarusian state university of informatics and radio electronics, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor.

Cost of education: 230 $

Duration of study 40 hours.

Lecturer – Боброва Н.Л. – аssociate рrofessor, department of microprocessor systems and networks, Institute of information technologies, Belarusian state university of informatics and radio electronics, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor.

Cost of education: 230 $

Duration of study 40 hours.

Lecturer – Боброва Н.Л. – аssociate рrofessor, department of microprocessor systems and networks, Institute of information technologies, Belarusian state university of informatics and radio electronics, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor.

Cost of education: 230 $

Duration of study 40 hours.

Lecturer – Боброва Н.Л. – аssociate рrofessor, department of microprocessor systems and networks, Institute of information technologies, Belarusian state university of informatics and radio electronics, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor.

Cost of education: 230 $

Duration of study 40 hours.

Lecturer – Боброва Н.Л. – аssociate рrofessor, department of microprocessor systems and networks, Institute of information technologies, Belarusian state university of informatics and radio electronics, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor.

Cost of education: 230 $

Duration of study 36 hours.

Lecturer – Стержанов М.В – аssociate professor, department of informatics, Belarusian state university of informatics and radio electronics, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor.

Cost of education: 230 $

Duration of study 36 hours.

Lecturer – Стержанов М.В – аssociate professor, department of informatics, Belarusian state university of informatics and radio electronics, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor.

Cost of education: 230 $

Duration of study 36 hours.

Lecturer – Стержанов М.В – аssociate professor, department of informatics, Belarusian state university of informatics and radio electronics, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor.

Cost of education: 230 $

Duration of study 36 hours.

Lecturer – Стержанов М.В – аssociate professor, department of informatics, Belarusian state university of informatics and radio electronics, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor.

Cost of education: 230 $